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Facebook Marketing Case Study – E-Commerce Giant “Jabong”

Since the past 7 weeks which would be very helpful for you to understand basics of Facebook Marketing.

Lets now jump into case studies for the next few weeks we will cover different businesses that have made Facebook marketing part of their marketing strategy and made it HUGE!

All of us have heard of the e-commerce giant but DID you know that they doubled their customer acquisition and saw a 5-fold increase in app activation rates after Facebook became their lead marketing channel???

Jabong’s Story

Every business that has ever been launched by any of us always has a story. It could be “Need for the product – Microsoft software”, “Vision of the Leader – Apple”, “Cheaper products – Metro” or “Create a Market – Flipkart”. brings stylish footwear, clothing, and accessories from around the world to men, women, and kids in India. It strives to provide quality products and a no-stress experience.

Customer satisfaction is a key pillar of’s business and the focus of its e-commerce platform experienced buying team, agile warehouse systems, and customer care centers that ensure a broad selection of products, on-time delivery and quick resolution of any concerns.

The Goal of Facebook Marketing

As covered in our blog regarding business objectives

Facebook Business Page Objectives

every business needs to map out their business goals to reach by using any kind of marketing. Similarly, for Jabong they had 2 business goals which they wanted to reach using Facebook marketing:

  1. To increase transactions by acquiring more high-quality customers—those more likely to convert or make a purchase.
  2. To improve app activation rates to drive traffic to the mobile app and control user acquisition costs.

Now that the business goals are defined let’s look at the solution.

Solution – Personalised Acquisition:

Many of us who have used online shopping to buy know that when we add some items to the cart and then don’t check out but just close the window, the next browser you open shows that exact item that you added to the cart but have not checked out.

That concept is called “Retargeting”. Jabong used this concept to create Personalised Acquisition.

Facebook’s dynamic ads can be retargeted to potential customers by showing them products they have looked at on both’s website and app, allowing the brand to customize ads to every individual.

This helped the company to not only reach more shoppers but also retarget them to complete the sale—across mobile and desktop.

Core audience targeting helped the company reach people most likely to be interested in its products based on demographics, location, interests, and behavior. also created lookalike audiences based on its current customers to reach a high quality, the high purchase-making group of people who were most likely convert.

The e-commerce company set up ads on-the-fly simply by uploading its product catalog.

The result was an ad personalized for each shopper based on what people had browsed on the website or app.

This led to more relevant ads that drove higher click-through rates and multiplied transactions.


By Personalised Acquisition using “Retargeting” and creating custom advertisements Jabong was able to:

  • 2X increase in customer acquisitions
  • 5X increase in app activation rates
  • 40% lower user acquisition cost on mobile app
  • 30% lower cost per order

We have covered various aspects of Facebook Marketing right from:

Facebook Marketing for Beginners and Why Businesses need Facebook Marketing?

Facebook Business Page Objectives

USP and Target Audience Mapping for Facebook Marketing

Why create a Facebook Business Page and How to create a Facebook Business Page?

Facebook Posts on your Facebook Business Page 

How to Engage Audience on Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook Business Page insights and Boost Post

Interesting is it not if you want to try out Facebook Marketing for your brand as well, reach out to us at or call me directly on 9515110449 and we will create the RIGHT strategy for your brand TODAY!

Have a great week ahead

Sirisha Varma,
Co-Founder, Head – Marketing

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