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Why Need Us?

We Are

We are a team of passionate Digital Marketing & Visual Content Company in Hyderabad and we love coming up with marketing solutions to the problems faced by Small and Medium businesses. We understand that as a small or medium business incorporating a Digital Marketing Solution is very confusing. Let us not even start with what “Visual Content” even means and why you need it? Even if you wanted to take up Digital Marketing & Visual Content services for your brand Where do you start? How do you start? Don’t worry we have YOU covered.
Digital Marketing

4.1 billion people of the whole population on the earth are on the internet. They are searching for services provided by businesses like yours day in and day out on “Google” which is the most frequently used search engine in the world. Can you ignore this market then?
Social Media is no longer a good to have but a must to have tool even for “Brick and Mortar” businesses. The ease of reaching potential customers with the click of a button is both highly remunerative as well as exciting.

Visual Content

To engage in the digital space creating original content appropriate for YOUR brand is imperative.Read more about “Why Visual Content is Important for your brand?”

Content could be:

  • Photos of your product/service
  • Photos of your product/service
  • Photos of your establishment/facility
  • Photos of your team
  • Videos of how your product is created
  • Videos of your establishment/facility
  • Customer Testimonial Videos.

Website Designing & Development

A Website is a Home for your Brand on the Internet. Just like your Physical store is an anchor for your brand to create: Brand Awareness, Credibility & Sales a Website enables these in the online world.

We at Branding by Pixels, build Websites on CMS platforms like: WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, Woocommerce & Click Funnels.

We believe that these platforms have evolved to take care of most of the business models existing in the world now so a coded website is redundant until a business has a unique requirement which these platforms can not fulfil.

We just don’t build a website for the sake of it we have a process wherein we assess if it makes sense for YOUR specific business to have a website in the first place.

Mail us today for your Website requirement 


Digital Marketing Services


         Search Engine Optimization

Most Business owners believe that once a Website is done their journey in the digital world is done!
This is NOT TRUE. There are 2 Billion Websites on the Internet, how does Google know what your website is about to display it to the relevant customers?

That is where SEO or Search Engine Optimisation comes into the picture. Using SEO we are optimising your website to be easily found by search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing.

Using the SEO strategies we have been able to consistently rank our clients in the first page of google within 3 months without spending a single rupee on Google.

Mail us today for your SEO requirement 

              Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is the process through which ads are run on Google, Yahoo or Bing using either CPM or CPC methods.

If you thought running ads is easy, that’s a blunder!

There are strategies that need to be followed to make sure that an ad can be run for the lowest cost but still be able to reach the brand’s potential customers

Using our SEM strategies we have been able to drive Return of Investments of more than 300% for our customers.

Mail us today for your SEM requirement 

   Social Media Management & Marketing

Social Media platforms cannot be ignored any more. Be it a Big brand or a Local brand they need to be present where their customers are

Social Media platforms can be used for:

1. Creating Brand Awareness
2.Engaging with Existing customers
3. Reaching out to New customers
4. Enhance Brand Recall

One of the best examples is LinkedIn the world’s biggest professional network advertises actively on Instagram to reach out to younger professionals

Social Media accounts are not about just today, they are about today, tomorrow & for the future to come

If Your brand does not have an active presence on Platforms which are relevant to your business like: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest etc. you are soon to become redundant

Using our Social Media strategies we were able to generate Return of Investments of around 1600% for our clients

Mail us today for your SMM requirement 

Amazon Marketing Service Agency

Amazon India has 1,20,000 sellers. As for Indian Amazon sellers, the number of vendors signing up to sell on Amazon has increased by a whopping 250%, since last year, with each day bringing in at least 90,000 new products.

How do you make sure your Brand & Products stand out amongst all these sellers? That is where Amazon Marketing Services comes into the picture.

What does Amazon Marketing Services mean:

1. Make your products reach a broad customer base in a short span of time.
2. Drives traffic to your brand pages and storefront.
3. Cost-effective: Pay only when the customer clicks on your ads.
4. Gives your prospective buyers a brand-driven shopping experience.
5. Amazon Marketing Services are targeted specifically for the buyers and not just viewers.

What does Branding by Pixels Offer for Amazon Sellers:

1. Strategy Planning
2. Product Page Optimization
3. Keywords Research
4. Bid Management
5. Continuous Optimization of product pages with relevant Titles & Keywords
6. Reporting

Mail us today for your SMM requirement 

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest is a social media platform in which users explore, share, and store visual content they find inspiring, helpful, or entertaining.

Pinterest has 250 Million active users with 90% of them looking for product ideas to purchase from.

85% of Pinners search for and prefer visual content, if you are in the Business of Ecommerce, Products or Services like Event Management, Photography then you definitely need to be active on Pinterest.

What does Pinterest Marketing mean:

1. Create your Business Account on Pinterest.
2. Manage your Business Account on Pinterest by creating content and regular posting.
3. Create and Implement strategies for increasing Engagement of your Business account.
4. Create and Manage Pinterest Ad account to run low cost and High ROI converting ads.

Mail us today for your Pinterest Marketing requirement 


   Sales Generation & Optimization

If you are a B2B business then your sales cycles are longer so you need to have a strategy in place to:

1. Generate Leads
2. Qualify Leads
3. Educate Qualified Leads
4. Follow up with Leads
5. Turn Leads into Customers
6. Get Feedback post service &
7. Generate Referrals

We can create a strategy which will take care of all these aspects of business

Mail us today for your Sales Generation & Optimisation strategy

                         Visual Content

Branding by Pixels is India’s first End to End Digital agency with an In-house Visual Content team who create original content for their clients.

Processing data like number & text is difficult for humans as we are visual beings that is why Pictures & Videos are very important.

We have worked with clients to create original brand related content including Photographs & Videos

Mail us today for your Visual Content requirement 

           Photography Services

We have had the opportunity to work with multiple clients in the domains of Fashion, Food, Jewellery etc.

Check out our Photography work here – Our Works

Mail us today for your Photography requirements


             Videography Services

Videos are all the rave today Be it:

1. Brand stories
2. Explainer videos
3. Customer testimonials
4. Recipes
5. Music videos or
6. Just Fun videos they make an everlasting impression on us

Check out our Videography work here – Our Works

Mail us today for your Videography requirements