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Mobile Marketing

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Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps.

Let’s look at some stats on how smartphones have evolved over the years in India, shall we?

As per by 2022 the number of smartphones users in India is supposed to be 442.7 Million. As you can see from the graph below the numbers have been increasing since the advent of smartphones in India in marketing statistics

Not just the stats our daily routine starts with the mobile. We end up sleeping at night by keeping our mobile devices handy on our bedside tables.

By 2020 1 in 3 Adults will be Millennials who are 18 – 30 years old & they will gather information, shop, learn & experience on mobile first.

“Mobile is the first screen & Netflix is the TV” for Millennials – Sirisha Varma

Not convinced yet? Lets look at some more stats:

  • 80% of internet users own a smartphone.
  • Mobile platforms, such as smartphones and tablets, host up to 60% of digital media time for users in the U.S.
  • Google anticipates search queries on mobile devices to surpass desktop searches by the end of 2015.

Effective mobile advertising means understanding your mobile audience, designing content with mobile platforms in mind, and making strategic use of SMS/MMS marketing and mobile apps.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

Anything on the Digital space including Mobile Marketing needs to have a strong base which is a “Website”. For an effective mobile marketing strategy you need to have the following:

1. Mobile Friendly Website

From the above stats one thing is clear that more & more people will be accessing the internet using their mobile devices but if your website is not loading properly on the mobile device then they will not return to your website anymore that is the number 1 reason you should have a Mobile Friendly website.

mobile friendly websites

We have covered the Top 5 CMS platforms that you can get your website created on in our last blog (insert blog), these platforms will ensure that you have a mobile-friendly website in the most efficient manner possible on the internet.

For search engines, “mobile-friendliness” means that:

1. Content fits on the screen without side-to-side scrolling or zooming.
2. Content loads quickly.
3. The site returns no mobile-specific errors.

Google itself provides you with a free tool using which you can check for yourself if your existing website is mobile friendly or not: “Mobile Friendly Tool

mobile friendly checker tool

2. Buyer Personas

Buyer Personas are templates that you create of the various kinds of customers that are your ideal target customers. It basically means you list out the various:
1. Attributes
2. Qualifications
3. Pain Points etc. of each customer type that might shop for your product or service.

buyers persona


These help you understand your customer better so you can use better communication channels & approaches.

You need to create a Buyer Persona for Mobile so you can guide them through your website to take a favourable action on it including Signups for Newsletters, Buying, Downloading Guides, Education etc.

Google Analytics can be attached to your website to understand your mobile audience behaviour when they are on your website.

A/B testing—which compares two versions of the same campaign on a certain channel—can also be informative for developing any aspect of buyer personas.

3. As Is to To Be

There is a terminology in IT consulting which is “As Is to To Be” it simply means before you start any IT project which involves implementing a new process or IT tool you first understand the “Current Situation (As Is)” then you create the “Future State (To Be)” once this process or IT tool is implemented.

This helps us monitor progress & also course correct if when we might be off the path.

as is to beSource:

Also in Mobile Marketing, we need to understand what is our current stand when it comes to Mobile Marketing did we complete the above 2 steps in the process.

Then you can plan for the next discussion steps:

1. What are we currently doing for mobile? This will define your starting point, and make sure everyone is on the same page as you begin.
2. If you are already doing mobile marketing, how are those initiatives performing? This conversation will identify what is already working, what is not, and what’s not even being measured.
3. What are your main objectives for including mobile marketing in your overall strategy? Discuss why you’re considering mobile now, what conversations have led up to this point, and what you expect from mobile marketing.

Once you & your team have discussed the above then set up some Metrics that you can monitor going forward:
1. Do you do email marketing? If yes, Do you want to increase conversions from email messages?
2. How are your Sales Pages doing?
3. Are you currently using any criteria to filter our qualified prospects from generic ones through your website?

4. Monitor Mobile Data

Monitoring your stats pertaining to:
1. Traffic to Website
2. Time spent on Website
3. Bounce Rate
4. Pages Accessed
5. Geography driving the most website

helps you understand your audience better

up trendsSource:

Google Analytics is the Best Free Analytics tool out there that can provide you with all this information for your Mobile Website.

Adding the Device Category field to the Site Content dashboard will display the quantity and quality of much mobile traffic to each individual page on your site.

The table on the Site Content dashboard includes metrics like page views and bounce rate. Add the Device Category by clicking the “Secondary dimension” menu above the first column and selecting “Device Category” from the “Users” submenu. The table will then display the most-viewed pages on your site, per device, so you can see how mobile actually affects your web traffic.

In our next blog, we will discuss the Mobile Marketing Strategy Mix that you can use to start on this exciting journey of Mobile.

Have a great week ahead.

Reach out to us for a discussion on “Crafting a Mobile Marketing Strategy for Your Brand” by emailing us at

Happy Marketing,
Sirisha Varma,
Founder, Chief Strategist,

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